Positive Reflection

Muhammad Rafay
2 min readFeb 13, 2021

The fellowship is about to end in a week and I am writing this blog to summarize and reflect upon my Amal journey, This journey started at the end of November and now it’s about to end and I see a lot of changes in myself. When I started writing this blog I was thinking about which part of my has impacted me the most, And I came to realize that it was Believe in yourself.

“If you are insecure, guess what? The rest of the world is too. Do not overestimate the competition and underestimate yourself. You are better than you think.” — T. Harv Eker

When I was applying for Amal Fellowship I was nervous and I was sure that I will be selected for this fellowship not because I have no skills but I had no confidence in myself. I thought that I am not good and other fellows would be selected but after 2 or 3 days of the interview, I got an email for orientation and then an email for selection.

This journey is LOVE!

There were many sessions and activities that made me realize that a person should always believe in himself/herself. But I would specifically mention what impacted me the most, 2 weeks ago I was too nervous about mock interviews that I cannot do it and I will create a mess. I shared this with my PM and she said to me that what will happen if your interview doesn’t go well and I replied “nothing”. She said that If you don’t believe in yourself, this world won’t”. And I realized that She is right.

All you have to believe in yourself.

Later on, My interview went very well and I came to realize that I should believe that I can do it and I had overcome this fear. I’m working on this weakness and One day I will overcome this InshAllah.

